Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Three out of five isn't so bad...

So....with the economy the way it is and all of the budget cuts that have taken place around the country over the past several months.... the budget for education in our great state has been DRASTICALLY decreased! They pretty much froze all teaching positions (at least in Marion County)....and reserved those spots for Full Time CERTIFIED substitutes! Long story short.... to take on one of these positions you have to be certified to teach in the state of Florida but you only make $100 a day (which might sound good...until you hear that it's only for the days that we are actually IN the classroom and can't be stretched over the course of the entire year). Also, it comes with absolutely NO benefits!!!! Really?!?!? So... 18k a year with no benefits to do all of the same things and have the exact same responsibilities as a regular teacher does?? Hmm....something just doesn't sound right there. HOWEVER, this is what I took for this fall....because it was my only option if I wanted to teach (without leaving Florida). :)

BUT......NOW FOR THE GOOD NEWS! My principal called me today and informed me that she had a "regular" kindergarten position open up and that it was for ME! Surprised??? Stoked??? Shocked??? Esctatic??? EMOTIONAL??? I don't even know what word would best describe my reaction to that phone call! Holy cow....."Thank you! Thank you so much!!! You SO just made my day!!! Oh my gosh I'm so excited! MADE MY DAY!" I think that was about what came out of my mouth for the first minute of the conversation. :) still makes me want to pee my pants! lol.

So...what does this all mean to me??? I have a JOB...a real JOB! With $$$ and benefits! My husband has this plan for us..... 1) Get married 2) Graduate 3) Get a job 4) Buy a house 5) Have a baby! WELL.... #1 CHECK, #2 CHECK, #3 CHECK.....NEXT??? :) Besides teaching....I can't think of ANYTHING that would make me any happier than having a child! I am looking forward to parenthood and can't wait to start a FAMILY! YAY!!!!! My life is SO amazing!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The beginning of something BEAUTIFUL...

I recently accepted a kindergarten position at College Park Elementary School here in Ocala, FL. I am SUPER excited about having my OWN classroom and my OWN group of kiddos! I am crazy about kids and have always wanted to be a teacher. After 5 years of college....I am FINALLY stepping out on my own two feet and taking on one of the BIGGEST things in my life so far (besides marrying my hubby!). Teaching is going to be so awesome and I can tell that the staff at College Park are going to be GREAT to work with. Honestly...words just can't express how stinkin' excited I am about my career choice! I have spent most of this past week working in my room trying to get it all set up and ready to go for August 18th. AND...might I add...the room is INCREDIBLY HOT with NO AIR CONDITIONING!!!!!! Take a look at these pictures and check out how things have come along so far.....

The Room
My MESSY closet

All kinds of storage


My CLEAN closet

Now it's in my ROOM!!It's starting to come together

A little organization


My "Reading Pad"

The Listening Center

Art Center (and Centers Pocket Chart)

Computer Center

My side of the room (and ABC Whiteboard Center)

Teacher Area

My Desk

More "Mrs. Dodge Space"

MY bulletin board (and part of the word wall)

Circle Time and the front of the room

Dramatic Play Center (I LOVE puppets!)

The sink area and lots of storage

My cramped but organized closet

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Getting to know Audra...

My name is Audra Dodge. I am 24 years old. I was born and raised in Ocala. I have two amazing parents: J.B. and Cammie, and two wonderful brothers: Josh and Tyler. My parents are getting ready to celebrate their 25th Wedding Anniversary. Josh is getting ready to turn 20 and is working at a local gym while working on his Personal Training certificate (something that we totally DON'T have in Tyler is 17 and will be starting his SENIOR YEAR of high school this year. I was married on February 3rd, 2007 to the most incredible guy in the world, BEN! We met while I was a waitress working at Chili's and he asked for my number after his dinner. Oh the things guys will do when you get a few margaritas in them! :) He is a photographer and works alongside his mother for Lil' Angels Photography. He also runs his own photography business...Dodge Photography...when not working with his mom's business. I enjoy helping him in my free time. I graduated on May 3rd, 2008 with a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education from The University of Central Florida.....Go Knights! I love kids and CAN'T WAIT to TEACH! I am looking to take on my own classroom this fall and am anxious to get in there! :) I have two ADORABLE puppies!!! Baxter, my handsome little yorkie and Molly, my sweet little cocker-spaniel. They are so special to me and I LOVE coming home to them every day! life is GREAT!!!!!