Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Three out of five isn't so bad...

So....with the economy the way it is and all of the budget cuts that have taken place around the country over the past several months.... the budget for education in our great state has been DRASTICALLY decreased! They pretty much froze all teaching positions (at least in Marion County)....and reserved those spots for Full Time CERTIFIED substitutes! Long story short.... to take on one of these positions you have to be certified to teach in the state of Florida but you only make $100 a day (which might sound good...until you hear that it's only for the days that we are actually IN the classroom and can't be stretched over the course of the entire year). Also, it comes with absolutely NO benefits!!!! Really?!?!? So... 18k a year with no benefits to do all of the same things and have the exact same responsibilities as a regular teacher does?? Hmm....something just doesn't sound right there. HOWEVER, this is what I took for this fall....because it was my only option if I wanted to teach (without leaving Florida). :)

BUT......NOW FOR THE GOOD NEWS! My principal called me today and informed me that she had a "regular" kindergarten position open up and that it was for ME! Surprised??? Stoked??? Shocked??? Esctatic??? EMOTIONAL??? I don't even know what word would best describe my reaction to that phone call! Holy cow....."Thank you! Thank you so much!!! You SO just made my day!!! Oh my gosh I'm so excited! MADE MY DAY!" I think that was about what came out of my mouth for the first minute of the conversation. :) still makes me want to pee my pants! lol.

So...what does this all mean to me??? I have a JOB...a real JOB! With $$$ and benefits! My husband has this plan for us..... 1) Get married 2) Graduate 3) Get a job 4) Buy a house 5) Have a baby! WELL.... #1 CHECK, #2 CHECK, #3 CHECK.....NEXT??? :) Besides teaching....I can't think of ANYTHING that would make me any happier than having a child! I am looking forward to parenthood and can't wait to start a FAMILY! YAY!!!!! My life is SO amazing!


Kim Hancock said...


A day in my crazy life! said...

I am really enjoying reading your blog. Vikki also got me started in the land of blogging but mine doesn't hold a candle. I have just decided to start a career in teaching (after graduating from college 15 years ago) I'm sure it will be a great journey.

My Beautiful Mess! said...

You so rock! I am so very very excited for you. Can't wait to come visit your classroom!! I love you more than you know!! I am so very proud of you.

Tracey said...

Wonderful news!! :)