Sunday, August 31, 2008

We did it!

We completed our first week of kindergarten!!!! It was definately a LONG week...with MANY ups and downs...but we did it! What do you want to hear first...the good or the bad? Let's start with the GOOD! :)

1) I have an entire class full of SWEETIES! All 20 of them!
2) We didn't have any SERIOUS behavior issues.
3) I have met many of my parents and have a pretty supportive group.
4) Kids say the DARNDEST things! :) I'm still laughing at them!
5) We have already finished up all of our placement tests...thanks to my AMAZING assistant!

Now for the bad.....

1) I ended up in the principal's office on day 1
2) I received a note from a mother on day 2 wondering "Why I MADE her child walk around all day with his shoes untied?" WHAT?!?!?!?!
3) We had our first potty accident on day 3....FUN! :)
4) I ended up in the assistant principal's office on day 4....thanks to the same mom! (Grin and bear it!)
5) We had our first real accident on day 5 (with blood and my first 'accident report!')....AND let me add that the reason for the accident was the "shoe lace boy"!
6) Another run in with the shoe lace mom on day 5! "Isn't it CONVENIENT that my child get's his card pulled the day AFTER I come down and talk to Mrs. Williams about you?" didn't have ANYTHING to do with the fact that he was running around in my classroom....AGAINST the rules...and caused a little girl to bleed!!!!! What?!?!?!?!? Not going there....

Anyways...despite all of the 'bad'....the 'good definately helped me overcome this week! Let's see....a few of the sayings that cracked me up:

"Mrs. Dodge, I can speak Spanish because I'm Catholic!"
"Yeah, like when I go with my mom to the store for her beer!"
"Mrs. Dodge, I love you so much!"
"Yeah, well...I don't care! I'm not going to get into trouble!"
"Mrs. Dodge, you are so pretty."
"Mrs. Dodge, I have to go poop really bad."
"What the hell?"
"Mrs. Dodge, my mommy says that she read in all of the papers that you sent home the other day that you will spank us if we don't listen."

:) I know that there are more...but these are just some of the ones that have stuck out. Some of them are just funny...and others...they just make me feel good! :)

Bring on week 2!

Monday, August 25, 2008


FINALLY, I was able to have my WHOLE class together for our "first day of kindergarten". As I blogged earlier...Fay screwed up my "stagger start" last week during our first week...and we were only able to go to school on Monday...with only the first 5 kids in my class. Well, today I had 'em all! And BOY WAS IT FUN! ;) I ended up with 21 kids in my class!!!!! That is a whole MESS of five year-olds! They were a lot of fun though. It was a pretty rough day......between getting to know each other, leaving our mommies and daddies for "big school", not getting a nap like they were used to, eating at a set time, getting to know our rules and procedures, and then there's the bus thing....we're not EVEN going to go there! Oh...and did I mention the fact that I ended up in the Principal's office at the end of the day!!!!! LONG STORY!!!! To sum it up...I sent a bus rider to car line and they never got picked up (obviously!) we had to call mom (which was frantic at the bus stop wondering why her baby didn't get off the bus!!!!) But we made it through! Ahhh.....I have to keep telling myself to BREATHE!!!! :) I have got myself all situated tomorrow....because I am NOT going back to that office again! lol.
They really are a great group of kids though. I am totally looking forward to getting to know them all and loving them to no end! They had fun today....despite Mrs. Dodge's blunders! :) Hahaha.......
Let's see how tomorrow goes! :)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

He's getting OLD!!!!!

Well, maybe not OLD... but STILL! My little brother..or not so little anymore I suppose....turned 20 today! Josh has grown up so much and it almost brings a tear to my eye...ALMOST! :) We had lunch this afternoon at Outback and it was YUMMY! They sang to him and all...and of course he was eating up the fact that our server was totally giving him the eye! He cracks me up!


Friday, August 22, 2008

Rain...Rain...GO AWAY!!!!

I have always been the type that REALLY enjoys a good thunderstorm and rain.....but I am SERIOUSLY over this storm! I have had 4 days off this week and haven't even been able to go shopping!!!!!! :( I have become REALLY connected to my couch.....I think that I've reached novice couch potato status. I am looking forward to some SUNSHINE!

Monday, August 18, 2008

First day of KINDERGARTEN! was my first day TEACHING! It was a WONDERFUL day.....and of course CRAZY!!!!!! :) I could've used a LOT more time. It went by so fast. In Marion County we do what they call "Stagger Start" in kindergarten. Each class is broken up into thirds and the first third comes on Monday, the second on Tuesday, and the third on Wednesday. THEN...on Thursday we get them ALL! It sounds like a really great idea...and it made today SO nice....but now we are having "Hurricane Days" tomorrow AND Wednesday!!!!! This means that I got to meet 5 of my kids today....and got to know them VERY well.....and now I'm not going to get this special time with the rest of my class. :( That makes me so sad! SO...the next time I go in...I'll have my ENTIRE class! I'm excited...but it just stinks that I won't be able to have that time with them like the others. Ahhh...Nature. :)

However, today was FANTASTIC! I had 5 GREAT kids and absolutely NO behavior problems!!!! Now, on Thursday I'm going to be adding another 14 kids to the mix....and 14 DIFFERENT attitudes...SO it could be a different story. :) Hopefully they are ALL little angels like the first group! That would make for an AMAZING year!

Well....despite the STINKINESS of the hurricane and all, I AM looking forward to spending the next two days at home with my wonderful, amazing, INCREDIBLE husband....AND my cute, sweet, snuggly puppies!!!!!! Bring it on "FAY".....I'm ready for ya!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

AHHHHH.....starting to FREAK OUT!

Oh my goodness!!!!! I start teaching TOMORROW! I am so nervous and excited and I have SO much running through my head. I am HOPING that I will be able to actually sleep tonight. Right doesn't look so mind is RACING!


Friday, August 15, 2008

Ready for my kiddo's on Monday!'s Friday and my room is officially READY!!!! I have worked ALL week in there and finally have it put together. I am SO proud of it and can't wait to have my kiddo's come in on Monday. Last night we had orientation and I got to meet most of them and their parents. It went better than I could have ever imagined! My kids were ANGELS and their parents were very supportive and seemed to be very interested in helping me make this year run smoothly. :) I can tell that this is going to be an AWESOME year!!!!! I am going to take this weekend to relax and SLEEP (something that I haven't been able to do lately!). I'm posting some pictures of my "final product" let me know what you think! I hope that everyone has a great weekend!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

First day on the J-O-B!

So today was my first day at my new job! I got to meet all of my co-workers and the rest of the administration. It was a great day but went by way too fast! We had a meeting from the classroom from the library getting all of our new reading series stuff from 11-11:30....LUNCH BREAK from 11:30-1:00....and then back in the classroom from 1-3!!!! So in all I spent a whopping total of TWO HOURS and THIRTY MINUTES actually working in my room today! Now, because I am who I am....I didn't actually get out of there until 6:30...but still, how the heck are you supposed to do all this preparation in such little time??? GEEEEZZZZZZ! I did get up one of my bulletin boards and my calendar today and ended up rearranging some of my furniture AGAIN! ;) I'll post pictures tomorrow. I'm hoping to get a lot more done then....I mean, I get THREE HOURS to spend in my room tomorrow....why shouldn't I get more done?!?!?! HA! I crack myself up! :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

I hate mornings!

So Ben apparently is addicted to the Olympics (I say "apparently" because this is the first Olympics that we've seen together!) and he had me up ALL night last night watching with him. Of course, I snuck a little blogging time in too. :) I think that it was around 3:00 when we finally went to bed and around 4:00 before we went to sleep as the Olympics then followed us into the bedroom. ;) (Oh how I love my Benjamin!) Then my bestie called this morning at 9:15 and woke me now what?? I can't go back to sleep!!! Do I sit here and blog and waste some time doing "Audra things" or do I go get started on those darned listening center books??? Maybe I'll just make some coffee and sit here for a while reading up on the lives of those I'm interested in. :) Yeah....that sounds nice. Have a great day!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

More time in my room....

So I begged Ben to come into my classroom earlier today to help me organize my library. We spent SO much time in there again...and you can't tell a difference! :( The other day I rearranged my furniture and thought I'd post some of the most recent pictures. It really is all coming together so well. I am so happy! My plan for tomorrow is to record myself reading some books for my listening center. I'm sure purchasing them would have been much easier on me (and on the ears of my kiddos!)...but money is TIGHT and so is my time! I have ONE MORE WEEK and I'll be teaching a room full of 5 year olds! YAY!!!!!! (Again....PLEASE PRAY FOR ME!!!)


I'm no longer a "chilihead"!!!! And boy it feels GOOD! :) Thursday was my last night on the J-O-B. It was a little sad but super exciting!!!! I have met so many awesome people there over the past several years. Many of them I know that I WILL see that made it a little easier. Now I'm in KINDERGARTEN mode! And I'm starting to freak out a little. My classroom is all set up...but I have to work on my boards, plans, parent letter, centers, PROCEDURES ( and there are a TON of them to teach these little guys!!!!!)....and the list goes on. :( Any words of encouragement or ideas would be GREATLY appreciated! :) I am enjoying this weekend of being totally "off" and go back to the grind on Monday. I have a "New Teacher Orientation" from 7:30-3:30 and I'm hoping to gain all kinds of knowledge from that! ;) Everyone PLEASE keep me in your prayers....I'm SO gonna need it!

Monday, August 4, 2008

One shift down.....THREE MORE TO GO!!!

So..I just got home from work and I'm STOKED because today was the beginning of my LAST WEEK AT CHILI'S!!!!!! I am so happy that I'm finally able to leave that place. Now don't get me's been a GREAT place to work and I have made friends with some pretty awesome people....but It's been over 6 years and I am ready for a change! :) I started there when I was 17 and now at 23 SO much has changed in my life and I've "grown up". Anyways....again...I'm SUPER EXCITED to be ending this chapter in my life and beginning a new one. Woo Hoo!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

A day with the "bestie"....

So the only thing that I love more than shopping (and my husband) is my best friend Amy! And on Friday...I had them both! We went to Orlando to go "school shopping" for clothes. I had forgotten how fun that is! :) She's a first year teacher too teaching first grade at Harbour View Elementary School. We hit the outlet mall AND the Florida Mall and had a BLAST trying things on and of course...BUYING them! I got some CRAZY deals and am SO excited about wearing them to school! :) That girl WORE ME OUT! I thought I was bad! She was up and running all over the place NON-STOP. I was ready for bed by the time I got back to Ocala. But I wouldn't have traded that day for anything.