Monday, August 4, 2008

One shift down.....THREE MORE TO GO!!!

So..I just got home from work and I'm STOKED because today was the beginning of my LAST WEEK AT CHILI'S!!!!!! I am so happy that I'm finally able to leave that place. Now don't get me's been a GREAT place to work and I have made friends with some pretty awesome people....but It's been over 6 years and I am ready for a change! :) I started there when I was 17 and now at 23 SO much has changed in my life and I've "grown up". Anyways....again...I'm SUPER EXCITED to be ending this chapter in my life and beginning a new one. Woo Hoo!


Kim Hancock said...


ines said...

change is good, congratulations :)

My Beautiful Mess! said...

WOOOO HOOOO!! I know you are totally doing the big time happy dance!! I am so super excited for you. years is ENOUGH time :) I love you!!