Friday, August 15, 2008

Ready for my kiddo's on Monday!'s Friday and my room is officially READY!!!! I have worked ALL week in there and finally have it put together. I am SO proud of it and can't wait to have my kiddo's come in on Monday. Last night we had orientation and I got to meet most of them and their parents. It went better than I could have ever imagined! My kids were ANGELS and their parents were very supportive and seemed to be very interested in helping me make this year run smoothly. :) I can tell that this is going to be an AWESOME year!!!!! I am going to take this weekend to relax and SLEEP (something that I haven't been able to do lately!). I'm posting some pictures of my "final product" let me know what you think! I hope that everyone has a great weekend!


My Beautiful Mess! said...

You got it going on Mrs. D!! I am loooovvviing the classroom. The colors are great and everything looks so....HAPPY! The kids are going to love spending the day surrounded by such a fun room. I am so glad orientation went good - knew the rents would love you! Good Luck on Monday. Make sure you call and tell me all about it. Sure love you Teach!

The Lady Behind the Lens... said...

I am sooo happy for you. I would have loved to have you as my kids kindergarden teacher. I love the way you decorated your classroom!

Tracey said...

Looks great! Good luck monday:)