Sunday, August 31, 2008

We did it!

We completed our first week of kindergarten!!!! It was definately a LONG week...with MANY ups and downs...but we did it! What do you want to hear first...the good or the bad? Let's start with the GOOD! :)

1) I have an entire class full of SWEETIES! All 20 of them!
2) We didn't have any SERIOUS behavior issues.
3) I have met many of my parents and have a pretty supportive group.
4) Kids say the DARNDEST things! :) I'm still laughing at them!
5) We have already finished up all of our placement tests...thanks to my AMAZING assistant!

Now for the bad.....

1) I ended up in the principal's office on day 1
2) I received a note from a mother on day 2 wondering "Why I MADE her child walk around all day with his shoes untied?" WHAT?!?!?!?!
3) We had our first potty accident on day 3....FUN! :)
4) I ended up in the assistant principal's office on day 4....thanks to the same mom! (Grin and bear it!)
5) We had our first real accident on day 5 (with blood and my first 'accident report!')....AND let me add that the reason for the accident was the "shoe lace boy"!
6) Another run in with the shoe lace mom on day 5! "Isn't it CONVENIENT that my child get's his card pulled the day AFTER I come down and talk to Mrs. Williams about you?" didn't have ANYTHING to do with the fact that he was running around in my classroom....AGAINST the rules...and caused a little girl to bleed!!!!! What?!?!?!?!? Not going there....

Anyways...despite all of the 'bad'....the 'good definately helped me overcome this week! Let's see....a few of the sayings that cracked me up:

"Mrs. Dodge, I can speak Spanish because I'm Catholic!"
"Yeah, like when I go with my mom to the store for her beer!"
"Mrs. Dodge, I love you so much!"
"Yeah, well...I don't care! I'm not going to get into trouble!"
"Mrs. Dodge, you are so pretty."
"Mrs. Dodge, I have to go poop really bad."
"What the hell?"
"Mrs. Dodge, my mommy says that she read in all of the papers that you sent home the other day that you will spank us if we don't listen."

:) I know that there are more...but these are just some of the ones that have stuck out. Some of them are just funny...and others...they just make me feel good! :)

Bring on week 2!


Kim Hancock said...

Cute! suggest to "the mom" that she should teach her kid to tie his shoes with a double knot or maybe she should tie them in the morning with a double knot or buy him some velcro closure shoes. It just seems a little obvious to me that as parents it is our job to send them to you dressed, with their shoes tied, and ready to learn???

It sounds like you had a great week regardless.

If it would make you feel any better...our cousin lost a child her first week...the child totally walked off campus during a short recess.

My Beautiful Mess! said...

Oh girl!! I know you handled yourself like the pro you are :) I can't wait to hear more of your great stories!!! Love you much!!

Kim Hancock said...

You've been tagged...check out my blog!